Here at My Tutoring Club, we pride ourselves in providing affordable tutoring by working together.
As standard, our tutoring sessions run for no more than four pupils at any one time. (Exceptions to this are clearly stated in course details)
Sessions are usually priced at £20.50 per hour session. (Again, exceptions are clearly shown)
We continually update our club with intimate, small group tutor sessions.
Every tutor will be interviewed, DBS checked, referenced, and show a history of subject matter experience.
All our tutor sessions are held within the centre.
All you must do is register your interest, and we will contact you by email and arrange a taster session. Please message us if you have any questions.
Tutor: Tracy Taylor Banks
Available: Fridays, 10am - 11am
Ages: 12-16 years
Max Pupils: 4
Price: £20.50 per hour
These sessions will support the children with the recognised syllabus, giving them the confidence to explore many different genres of literature. This course will look at in-depth critical analysis, comprehension and how to write and expand points effectively for the exam.
We will collaboratively select the material from the syllabus and take time to study thoroughly and learn from the different sources.
These sessions will also give them the skill set to analyse material and to be able to write critically, supporting other subjects such as History and Drama.
Below are the topics that will be covered based on the specification syllabus:
19th century novel
Modern prose or drama text
Analytical writing
Critical writing
Understanding and comprehension
Tutor: Tracy Taylor Banks
Available: Tuesdays, 10am - 11am
Ages: 11-16 years
Max Pupils: 4
Price: £20.50 per hour
This course will help students develop the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the English Language GCSE exam.
This includes reading and understanding a wide range of non-fiction and fiction texts, critical evaluation and analysis of information and ideas. We will study appropriate use of quotation to support an argument, compare the way in which writers use language devices and structure to express ideas and influence readers, and learn how to use written communication clearly, effectively, and imaginatively, adapting tone, style and register to suit the intended audience.
The course will be based around the AQA GCSE English Language curriculum, and we will work with written extracts from the AQA syllabus that explore an exciting and flexible variety of subjects and themes. These will be adapted to accommodate the particular interests and preferences of the group.
We will use a variety of learning methods throughout the course, including group discussion, mini lecture, pair and small group activities, reading aloud, and audio-visual aids.
Tutor: TBC
Available: TBC
Ages: 7-11 years
Max Pupils: 4
Price: £20.50 per hour
The English lessons will incorporate a range of skills around the main topics of reading, writing, punctuation and spelling.
Topics will be discussed and where possible, decided together as a group. Engaging the children by choosing a topic that interests them will be the starting point and the best way to get everyone on board from the offset.
Whilst encouraging children to be creative, I will also be looking for accurate spellings and punctuation, which will also be covered in the lessons. We will use resources such as short films, poems and stories but our stimulus may equally be a piece of music or looking at nature.
The lessons will aim to inspire and empower children to be able to effectively communicate and at the same time, to foster a lifelong love of books and writing.
Tutor: Jay Shurey
Available: TBC
Ages: 11+ years
Max Pupils: 6
Price: £24 per session
Our GCSE Film Studies course will take students on a journey through many aspects of film history and film production.
Students will learn about how film narratives are built and theorised, how people are represented in film and much more including the chance to make their own film or screenplay extract. Students will learn through a mixture of quizzes, tasks and assignments which will test their knowledge as they learn.
This could be the starting block for students to begin their journey to become the next professional filmmaker!
Tutor: TBC
Available: TBC
Ages: 9-16 years
Max Pupils: 4
Price: £20.50 per hour
These sessions aim to get the children to use their creativity and imagination whilst also learning writing techniques to develop their initial creative ideas. This will include writing exercises, which industry professionals use daily in their practice! Exercises such as freewriting, writing from different stimuli, how to write dramatic dialogue, how to structure writing to make it flow nicely.
These sessions are great for any child who may have a love for creating or drama but doesn't feel fully comfortable performing and can express themselves in this format instead. These sessions will look at the structure, dialogue, how we analyse plays and screenplays, what makes a good script? We will explore creativity and how to develop an idea into a script. We will also explore characters, and how to build a character.
The sessions will run like a professional writing room where we sit and learn together and then share our work to be able to grow and develop. These workshops will expand creativity but also develop and further knowledge in English and writing which is a skill set used for life.