Pricing & Payments

Our tutor session’s prices are displayed in their individual listing - usually £25.50 per hour.

This booking is considered an ongoing commitment for the year - with automatic renewal, (unless stated otherwise).

You can cancel at any point by giving 4 weeks notice - see Cancellation Policy below.

How to pay:

Brand new students can try a one-off Taster session at the sessions standard price, before choosing if to sign-up.

Once signed-up, you will then be sent 2 payment links by email over the term which will equal half of the remaining fee. The first payment link will be sent the week before your child’s first tutor session. Please note that If this is not paid the Friday before your child’s start date, your place may be given to another child. Your email providing the payment link will give you a ‘payment by’ date.

You second payment will be requested on the last week of the current half-term for the following half-term. and will need to be paid no later than the end of that week. Please note Should you not pay that second invoice your child will not not be able to attend the following half-term and their place may be given to another child.

You can pay these via Direct Debit or can clear the termly balance (usually 12 weeks) via BACS if you would prefer to.

My Tutoring Club Policies

Please find below our Code of Conduct, Complaint Procedure and policies for Cancellation and Safeguarding.

© 2022 My HELM Tutor Club LTD: registered in England and Wales. Registration No 12350943                            

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