Performing Arts

  • Here at My Tutoring Club, we pride ourselves in providing affordable tutoring by working together.

  • As standard, our tutoring sessions run for no more than four pupils at any one time. (Exceptions to this are clearly stated in course details)

  • Sessions are usually priced at £20.50 per hour session. (Again, exceptions are clearly shown)

  • We continually update our club with intimate, small group tutor sessions.

  • Every tutor will be interviewed, DBS checked, referenced, and show a history of subject matter experience.

  • All our tutor sessions are held within the centre.

  • All you must do is register your interest, and we will contact you by email and arrange a taster session. Please message us if you have any questions.

Singing and/or Spoken Word

Tutor:          Tracy Taylor Banks

Available:   Tuesdays, 9.00am - 10.00am

Ages:           All Ages  

Max Pupils: 4

Price:             £20.50 per hour

These courses will give you an insight into the physicality of voice production as well as looking into what affects our ability to use our vocal apparatus correctly and effectively.

We will learn about the techniques involved in a relaxed and interesting way, with an emphasis on practical exercises and vocal health.

These courses are useful for everyone from professional vocalists or public speakers to those who would like to simply build their confidence when it comes to singing or speaking out loud.

If you have a vocal injury or a medical condition that has impaired your voice in any way, we will look at steps you can take to support your voice and with regular practice, you should see a marked improvement.

If you would simply like to learn how to use your voice more efficiently and successfully, this is a great place to learn new skills and techniques whilst having fun at the same time.


Tutor:           Tracy Taylor Banks

Available:    Fridays, 9.00am - 10.00am

Ages:            All Ages  

Max Pupils:  4

Price:             £20.50 per hour

Learn drama from an accredited LAMDA drama tutor. LAMDA is one of the oldest, and most well-recognized drama academies in the world and the oldest in the UK. Its graduates have won 10 BAFTAs, 16 Golden Globes, and 4 Academy Awards!

All levels of LAMDA exams are accredited as recognisable equivalents to standard qualifications: Level 1 exams (Grades 1-3) are the equivalent of low grades at GCSE, Level 2 (Grades 4 and 5) high grade GCSE and Level 3 (Grades 6,7 and 8) have the equivalent UCAS points of AS and A-Levels.

© 2022 My HELM Tutor Club LTD: registered in England and Wales. Registration No 12350943                            

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