Here at My Tutoring Club, we pride ourselves in providing affordable tutoring by working together.
As standard, our tutoring sessions run for no more than four pupils at any one time. (Exceptions to this are clearly stated in course details)
Sessions are usually priced at £20.50 per hour session. (Again, exceptions are clearly shown)
We continually update our club with intimate, small group tutor sessions.
Every tutor will be interviewed, DBS checked, referenced, and show a history of subject matter experience.
All our tutor sessions are held within the centre.
All you must do is register your interest, and we will contact you by email and arrange a taster session. Please message us if you have any questions.
Tutor: Greg Marshall
Available: Thursdays & Fridays, 11am - 12pm
Ages: 12+ years
Max Pupils: 6
Price: £35.50 (for two weekly sessions)
Looking in depth at higher physics, chemistry and biology. This tutoring session will explore all aspects of the sciences while aiming towards the G.C.S.E. Double Science award.
Will we also visit numerous sports to take care of your child’s physical well-being In this energetic, but fun session.
Tutor: Greg Marshall
Available: Monday, 5.00pm - 6.00pm
Tuesday, 4.00pm - 5.00pm
Thursday, 4.00pm - 5.00pm
Fridays, 5.00pm - 6.00pm
Ages: 12+ years
Max Pupils: 4
Price: £20.50 per hour
Looking in depth at higher physics, chemistry and biology. This tutoring session will explore all aspects of the sciences while aiming towards the G.C.S.E. Higher Double Science award.