
My Helm Tutor Club offers tutoring sessions in a range of subjects. Check out subject themes below:


Maths, an integral part of everyday life, a core subject, required for further education and valued in business. From introductions to G.C.S.E. level, there’s a session for everyone!

English & English Literature.

English is important for students as it broadens their minds, develops emotional skills, improve the quality of life by providing job opportunities. Moreover, the use of English as an International language is growing with time because it is the only medium for communication in many countries.

The Sciences.

Science instils a sense of intrigue and enables students to develop understanding and form questions based both on the knowledge they already have and the insight they wish to gain in the future. Students who excel in science lessons are likely to develop a strong ability to think critically.


Hola. Bonjour. Guten tag. Salve. Nǐn hǎo. Olá. Konnichiwa.

Do you fancy becoming bilingual? Maybe trilingual?! With an array of languages, the world is your playground.


Whatever your medium, whatever your inspiration, we have a hands-on practical tutoring session for you. Let your creativity flow!


Be it physical or mental. Presence of positive emotions and moods, the absence of negative emotions, satisfaction with life, fulfilment and much more explored…

Performing Arts.

From Shakespeare to jazz hands, tap to belting a song, monologuing to projecting. Performing arts encompasses so much! From the theory to the physical - awake your inner performer!


Asking the when and the where? From traipsing throughout history to globetrotting in geography.

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